Would you like your topical patch evaluated with the latest scientific processes? We offer the following testing options:
Franz Diffusion Cell study:
In this method the topical system is placed on (e.g.) human cadaver skin in between receptor and donor compartment of the diffusion cell. The topical system faces the receptor compartment in which receptor fluid i.e., buffer is placed. The agitation speed and temperature are kept constant. The whole assembly is kept on magnetic stirrer and solution in the receiver compartment is constantly and continuously stirred throughout the experiment using magnetic beads. At predetermined time intervals, the receptor fluid is removed for analysis and is replaced with an equal volume of fresh receptor fluid. The concentration of drug is determined spectrophotometrically from which the diffusion rate and total drug permeated through the skin per centimeter square can be assessed. Design of system and patch size are some variables that may be calculated from permeation studies.
Stability Studies
After design of the appropriate patch, stability studies can be conducted to investigate the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the drug stability in different patch formulations. The topical formulations are subjected to stability studies as per ICH guidelines .